Wednesday 20 March 2013

This is my response to my photographer Jen Rinaldi. This photograph is of an angel holding a book in one arm with the other arm in the air. The angel has had one of it hands removed. I think the mood of this photograph is sadness. The facial expression that the angel has looks quite sad and the fact it has had it's hand cut off makes it look even more sad. The angel statue is central to the photograph. the background is the sky which is very grey and abissmal and then some tree's behind the statue. The background is out of focus.

I like this photograph because the sky was grey but it was quite bright this would usually meant that the statue would be a sillouette but all the features are clear on the angel.

Apeture: 4.5
Exposure time: 1/160 sec.
ISO: 100

These are some more of my graveyard photographs.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

I went to a graveyard in the city centre to get some pictures for my response to my third photographer Jen Rinaldi. These are just some of the photographs I have taken.

Friday 15 March 2013

I have chosen to study Jen Rinaldi because her cemetery photographs are linked to my question, Nursery Rhymes.  Nursery rhymes make harsh subjects less serious. This was to teach children about harsh subjects. Having a beautiful statue in a graveyard makes being in a graveyard less upsetting because some of them are beautiful. The content of this photograph is a gravestone with Russian writing carved on it. On top of the stone is a cross carved out of stone. The mood of this photograph is togetherness. I don’t read Russian but I’m guessing that the two people’s faces that have been carved on the stone are related or married and they have been buried together.
The Gravestone is central to the photograph and in the background there are more gravestones. This photograph is monotone. There aren’t any bright or lively colours. The colours used are black and white. I would like to use the colour theme element in this photograph in my own work.

I like this photograph because unless you know Russian you don’t know anything about the people that have been buried. This makes me think about how they know each other and if they are buried together they were obviously inseparable.

I have chosen to study Tiffany White because her photographs are hidden. This links to my question of Nursery Rhymes because often they are very secretive. In this photograph there is a small green building in the middle of nowhere. The mood of this photograph is loneliness. The building looks like it is in the middle of an open area surrounded by a forest.  This building would be very hard to come across and it also looks abandoned. The building is bright green and yellow so it makes the photograph very contrasting, it also makes the building stick out. I would like to use the emotion of this photograph in my work.

 I like this photograph because the building is very eye catching because it’s very bright, however even though it is eye catching not many people would find this building easily. Another reason I like it is because I’m not sure what the building is used for, why it was built or who built it. It makes me think about why the building is there.

Sarolta Ban's work  is very unusual so i'm studiying her for my project on Nursery Rhymes. In this  photograph there is a picture of a wolf howling at the moon but the moon has replaced the face of a red alarm clock. I think that the alarm clock having a moon inside of it is really clever; it is like an alarm clock for the wolf that tells it when the moon is out. The mood given off by this photograph is mild. The photograph isn’t boring but it isn’t very exciting.
The alarm clock is central to the photograph but it isn’t slap bang in the middle.  The red alarm clock stands out from the dark grey and black background but the photograph as a whole isn’t very contrasting. One element I will be using from this photograph is the colour palette and the other element is the fact that the photograph is heavily edited.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

I have chosen to study Jen Rinaldi because her photographs show the beautiful side of death. I think they show this because the statues she photographs are beautiful but they are put in a place that some people hat to go to.

This photograph is of a statue that has been made to look like a woman holding a small child. Behind the statue is a soft toy from the T.V show Spongebob Squarepants. I think the mood that this photograph gives of is happiness. Seeing a gravestone of a loved one would obviously make someone upset but the statue would make it seem less depressing, but I think that the toy was put on the statue by a child, seeing this on a gravestone of a loved one would cheer me up.

The statue is the main focus of the photograph, it’s not till the whole photograph is looked at till you see the toy which is obviously a surprise. The photograph isn’t very colourful, even the toy is quite dirty even though it should be bright yellow.  I think that this photograph seems to brighten up a horrible subject and this is the element I would like to take from this photographer.

I really like this photograph because a toy isn't something you would see on a statue in a graveyard. I really hate the T.V show Spongebob Squarepants but i think that a child putting one of their toys on a gravestone statue of someone they know is a very beautiful idea.

Friday 8 March 2013

I have chosen to study Tiffany White because her photographs are very mysterious. I have linked this to my question, Nursery Rhymes because some of them are quite mysterious.

The content of this photo is a green door made of corrugated metal. The mood that this photograph has is secrecy. The mood is secrecy because it is not known what is behind the door and where the door is. The layout to this photograph is wonky. The split between both parts of the door isn’t in the middle, the photograph has a crooked look because it isn’t central but this makes it more secretive. The colour palette of this photograph is a range of light to dark greens. I will be using the crooked and secretive element of this photograph in my response.

I like this photograph because it makes me ask questions about it. I think that this is a critical element for a good photograph because it hooks the viewer. If the viwer isn't hooked on the photo then they might lose intrest in the photograph. Another reason I like this photograph is because it's unusual, you don't often see a green corrugated metal door.

I have chosen to study Sarolta Bán because she creates a lot of unusual and bizarre photographs. I think that the nature of Sarolta’s work is quite similar to the meaning or story of some nursery rhymes and fairy tales.
In this photograph there is a man in black clothes that is looking at a giant key that is stuck in the ground and it has been turned into a building that could be a lighthouse. The mood of this photograph is shock. The man in the photograph looks like he is shocked to find a key house. The layout of this photograph is very central everything is in the middle of the photograph except for the man. This colour palette of this photograph is greyscale.  I will use the weird subject matter element that Sarolta has used in her work.

One reason I really like this photograph is the background, the ground leads off into the distance and then meets a very foggy but beautiful sky. I think that the key is a lighthouse because the sky is light around the top of the key and gets darker at the sides. another reason I like the photograph is because a flock of birds is quite a normal thing to see flying around a lighthouse but it still looks fairly normal flying around a key in the middle of nowhere.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sarolta Bán was born in Budapest in Hungary. Before she became a photographer she was a jewellery designer but then she found that digital photo manipulation was her passion. She uses a lot of inanimate objects and put them in places they would never be, the photo editing that she does make the objects make look like they belong there though because she is very good at photo manipulation.  When she combines her objects with the place they aren’t often in she makes a story and give the object a personality. Her photographs might seem weird to some people but they all have a story.

I think that most nursery rhymes and fairy tales are very weird but they have a great story behind them and make different people feel different things about them. I will be using Sarolta Bán as my third photographer because I think that her work and my question of Nursery Rhymes have something in common, they are both weird but they both have a great story behind them that everyone can take from it.

I have chosen Tiffany White to be my second photographer that I will research. I will be particularly looking at her Four Seasons photographs in her Fine Arts section, although she mostly take photographs of people’s weddings. The reason I will be looking at her photographs is because they are very mysterious. It’s not clear where or what you are looking at in most of her pictures. They make the viewer ask questions about the subject matter in the photographs.

The meaning behind most nursery rhymes or fairy tales are very mysterious because we are often not sure where they came from, who wrote them, when they were written or what they are about.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

I have chosen Jen Rinaldi to be my first photographer for my question on Nursery Rhymes. Jen Rinaldi specialises in new-born babies, children, maternity, family, engagements and weddings.
I will be looking at her photos that have been taken in cemeteries. Her photos are often of statues in cemeteries, such as cherubs. If a cemetery had loads of spiked fences and moss covered grave stones a cemetery wouldn’t be a nice place to be. Having statues such as cherubs, the Virgin Mary and Jesus seems to make a graveyard a less horrible place to be.

I think that nursery rhymes do this as well as beautiful statues. For example ring-a-ring of roses is a nice nursery rhymes that children have fun singing but it is really about the black death that killed between 75 and 200 million people.

I have made one of my moodboards again because it didn't have any actual pictures on it, they were all drawings or sketches. i have wrote the name of the nursery rhyme or fairy tale that they are based on. I think this a lot better than just drawings because this has given more ideas that i can use for my initial ideas or development.

Monday 4 March 2013

This is my second moodboard. I have used pictures from the internet that are related to my question. they are all pictures of nursery rhymes or fairy tales.

This is my the first of my two moodboards that relate to my question of Nursery Rhymes. i have used pictures on the internet that are modern versions of nursery rhymes or fairy tales. I actually have the ASBO Fairy Tales book and i think this will give me some more ideas for my work.

Friday 1 March 2013

I have wrote down all the words that i associate with my question, Nusery Rhymes. I will be using this to give me ideas when i start taking photographs.